Greatcpa® is a registered service mark by the United States of America Patent and Trademark office.
TaxFax™, The Entrepreneurs' Hour™ and The Entrepreneurs' Hour Radio Show™ , GreatCPA® are registered trademarks with the Virginia State Corporation Commission.
The accounting and business consulting firm of David B. Robinson, CPA is the only Certified Public Accounting Firm in the United States allowed to refer to itself as a GreatCPA®.
GreatCPA® was registered with the USPTO on July 12, 2016."TaxFax" was registered with the VSCC in July of 1993; and "GreatCPA®" in April of 1999; "The Entrepreneurs' Hour™" and "The Entrepreneurs' Hour Radio Show™" were registered in May of 2001.
Information contained in these documents and in e-mail responses is not intended for use without consultation with your financial advisors.
If you are not a client and want to link to this Web site, call us at (804) 359-1330 to tell us that you want to become a client or discuss how we can partner together.
GreatCPA.com® was established in December 1994 by David B. Robinson, CPA and Dena Scott Hulbert. Theresa Cash Lewis, CPA, Susan E. Monks, CPA, Leigh Anne & Mike Schuler of Art Dept, Inc. and Will Arnold of ThinkFast have all also contributed substantially to its development.

Justin Laughter & Christopher Gatewood, Threshold Counsel, PC defend the trademark
The only GreatCPA® there is.
While there are plenty of great CPAs out there, David B. Robinson, CPA is the only person that is legally authorized in the United States to refer to themselves as a GreatCPA® … he is the brand! On July 12, 2016 after using the service mark "GreatCPA" since 1993 and having secured the service mark ("sm") in Virginia then, David was awarded the Registered Service Mark GreatCPA® by the United States of America Patent and Trademark Office (Registration Number 4,997,563).
David knows that he has thrown down the gauntlet with this moniker of being "the only GreatCPA® there is," and he takes that into account with every single client assignment he undertakes. To make that representation is big. To try to live up to it is what he wakes up every day thinking about.